Skillful with Diverse Modes of Cognition

Dear <Subscriber>,

I want to let you know that my next free online “Philosopher in Residence” event at The Stoa will be this Tuesday, Nov 16, 2021 @ 9am PST.

This is the second event about key capacities that provide the practical means to a bright future beyond the dysfunctions of modern culture. (For more on this “Philosopher in Residence” series, please see the previous issue of CI News.)

The focus this time is on the capacity to be “Skillful with Diverse Modes of Cognition.” We’ll explore robust pathways to wholeness, creativity and win-win-win solutions with the help of whole-brain and whole-body capabilities.

I look forward to seeing you there!

In case you missed the first event on “Savvy about Psychodynamics,” here’s the video:

Want to go deeper?
Join us for Bright Future Now, Jan 8 – Mar 5

Bright Future Now is our 8-week online “adventure tour to the future.” It provides the best way I know to develop the practical capacities to go beyond the dysfunctions in modern culture and create a bright future for yourself and for the world.

The next Bright Future Now cohort is already assembling. Experientials and group interaction start Jan 8, 2022. Community-building and self-study begin as soon as you register

The course weaves together experiential, interactive and conceptual activities that provide you with:

  • frameworks for making sense of these times
  • personal and leadership development
  • a worldwide community of mutual support
  • the opportunity to participate in foundational cultural change

In the words of a graduate:

“Bright Future Now provided the perfect landing place for me in all the ground-shifting of 2020 and beyond, because it allowed me to reflect on my internal world while simultaneously zooming out to the much larger picture of human history and planetary history.

Being able to communicate with others inside the network always surprises me with diversity of thought, creativity and heart-centeredness of people who are making ripples in their own worlds. I cannot think of another context in which I would be communicating in such a generative way with people around the world.”

Erin Waterman – nature educator – United States

There’s still time to get the Early-Bird rate of $395, which closes Nov 27.

After that, regular registration for Bright Future Now is $495.

We have a payment plan that enables you to spread the cost over up to 8 months. All of these options are on the registration form. If you feel you need financial assistance beyond these options, you can apply for financial aid.

Any registration entitles you to a free lifetime membership in the Bright Future Network, our eclectic, international, multi-generational community of systems thinkers, network weavers, creatives and healers from almost every calling of life and from 29 countries on 6 continents.

Looking forward to sharing this adventure with you!

With appreciation,
Robert Gilman
November 13, 2021