Never doubt that a small group can change the world

Context Institute’s Bright Future Network builds on the premise that “a small group can change the world.” We take it from an occasional fortuitous happening to an ongoing, systematic process – one that supports your capacity and agency to move us closer to a thriving, sustainable future.

The 3 Capacities

Over the past 43 years, we’ve been developing a comprehensive set of frameworks and practices that we see as the practical keys to lasting change. These three foundational capacities can be successfully applied at both personal and cultural scales:

  • Being savvy about psychodynamics (through awareness of personality, motivation and subconscious processes)
  • Being skillful with diverse modes of cognition (with expanded approaches to perception and thinking)
  • Being adept at the new strategy for success (by developing whole-system win-win-win solutions)

In modern cultures, these three capacities are poorly developed. In my Stoa series of presentations, I describe how the widespread lack of these capacities is at the root of all the big issues the world now faces: climate change, social injustice, species extinction, unsustainable economy, deforestation, dysfunctional governments, nuclear weapons, soil depletion, runaway technology, and so on.

Developing these capacities positions us to bring more effective responses to the current downward spiraling. They are the keys to restoring personal and planetary well-being.

Making It Real

Through the Bright Future Commons, our new custom-built online platform, we’re using small collaborative groups to demonstrate how these concepts of the 3 capacities translate into practical expression.  Let me introduce you to our first round of groups:

  • Conscious Attention Economy – With an initial focus on attention literacy, this group will be contributing to the ongoing international work, connected to the UN, of creating frameworks for a conscious attention economy. [Savvy about psychodynamics]
  • Vagus Nerve Program – A study-circle for participants in Jessica Maguire’s Vagus Nerve Program. [Savvy about psychodynamics]
  • Embodying Earth Wisdom – An inquiry into creating new avenues of access to the “world view,” tools, practices and protocols of the Origin Teachings of the Delicate Lodge. [Skillful with diverse modes of cognition]
  • Three Harmonies Poetry – A group to support poetry as both first aid and practical tool for deepening the harmony within, with others and with nature. [Skillful with diverse modes of cognition]
  • Feedback Among CoEvolvers – Developing best practices for supporting both openness and safety among collaborators. [Adept at the new strategy for success]

You can already see the wide diversity of interests and expertise in the Bright Future Network. This is just the beginning of what is emerging from the network’s over 340 remarkable people from 34 countries, with their broad range of backgrounds and ages.

The practices and processes developed in our small groups to give embodied form to the 3 capacities will be tested within the network and then offered out to the wider public. By sowing these seeds of culture change, we indeed fulfill the potential of small groups that can change the world.

May/Jun Bright Future Now –
Early-Bird discount ends Apr 2

Would you like to help accelerate positive change worldwide? Be part of this empowering network? Step into your own bright future now? Are you ready to amplify your own capacity to make a difference – for yourself, for those you’re close to and for the world?

If you are, then join us in the May/Jun cohort of Bright Future Now, our transformational 8-week online immersion into the 3 capacities that also serves as the gateway to the Bright Future Network. Find out more about the content here and the course design and process here.
“One of the best online courses I’ve taken in a long time. Awesome course design, great content, stellar people. I recommend it MOST highly.” 

Rosa Zubizarreta

“This course is not just content, it’s connection, depth, and embodied ideas in shared practice. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a bridge from dreaming of a new world to actually moving toward it.” 

Jennifer Stefani

If you’re interested in the $395 Early-Bird rate, now is the time to act. That rate ends Sunday, Apr 2. We also have a group rate and financial aid for those who need it. You can find out more about all the registration options here.

Right now, the opportunities for positive change are enormous. Listen to your heart, step into more of your agency and come join us!

With appreciation,
Robert Gilman
March 22, 2023