Making Sure Your Email Gets Delivered

If you signed up for CI News but never got your confirmation email, you have come to right place for help.

There are many reasons why you might not have gotten your confirmation email from us (mistyped email address, problems with a spam filter, etc.)

First step: If you have a spam or junk mailbox or folder, check it to see if the confirmation email got put there. Our emails have low (minus) spam scores, so they usually don’t get treated as spam but it is worth checking. If you do find it there, use it to confirm you subscription. Then, whether you find it or not, do the second step.

Second step: Send an email (from the email address you want to sign up) to: cinews (followed by the usual “at” sign) context (followed by “dot”) org. (I have used this format to hid the email address from spam robots. Use the normal format when you send it to us.) In the email let us know when you first signed up and if you have ever gotten any emails from us. If you found the confirmation email in your spam/junk mailbox/folder, let us know.

Sending us this email does two things:

  • Most email systems “whitelist” the addresses you send to so future mail from the cinews address should reach you without a problem.
  • You will alert us to your problem and we can likely help. For example, if there was a typo in the email address with which you originally signed up we can correct it.

We will respond to you in usually less than a day to confirm that you are able to receive email from us.

Alternatively, you can use the comment form to let us know you have an email problem.